medical communicator

Direct contact with your doctor

join the doctor's contacts

Your doctor from the office - now always at hand

about the application

What is Doctor.One?

Application to contact a doctor

Doctor.One is the first medical communicator in Poland that provides you unlimited, direct and constant contact with your trusted doctor in simple chat, whenever you need.
No queues
Without making appointments
Without reception
Join in practice

You are never anonymous to your doctor

You write whenever you need

Do you have questions after your visit? Need advice from a doctor who already knows your health history? Are you under the constant care of one specialist? With Doctor.One you can consult your doctor directly, even outside the office. Direct chat or phone contact always at hand!

What do other patients say about this?

“It is extremely valuable when I do not have to tell a complete stranger about my problems and ailments and I can contact my doctor via chat on Doctor.One“

Mr. Prus

Patient in contact with her internal medicine doctor at Doctor.One

Conveniently receive recommendations and prescriptions

You no longer have to specifically make an appointment or teleconsultation and tell the story of your health to an unknown doctorto receive a recommendation or prescription. All you have to do is write in the chat to the doctor, for whom you are not another anonymous number in the queue.

What do other patients say about this?

“I missed that the medication I was taking ran out. After contacting the doctor, I got a prescription instantly and was able to continue therapy.”

P. Grabowski

The patient in contact with his internal medicine doctor at Doctor.One

Securely upload photos and test results

In the chat with your doctor, you can conveniently upload photos, test results or recordings. All files are legally saved in your health history. Your doctor also has convenient access to them and nothing is lost.

What do other patients say about this?

“Something bit me in the forest, I had a huge erythema and strange marks on my skin. I panicked that it was a tick. I sent a picture to my doctor. Very quickly came the answer with the diagnosis that it was a fluff, a prescription and recommendations. I was able to start treatment right away instead of waiting for a clinic visit.”

Mr. Mirowska

A patient in contact with her family medicine doctor at Doctor.One
how much does it cost?

One subscription for unlimited contact

Permanent subscription


Constant access to chat with the doctor in the app
Modifications of treatment and prescriptions depending on the case
You can resign whenever you want
see how to join

3 simple steps are enough

Fill in the form

Fill out a simple application form. It will take you only 1 minute.
fill out the form

Receive an invitation to the application

You will receive SMS message with invitation to the Doctor.One app.

Download the app

Download the app Doctor.One for Patients and follow the instructions to start talking to your doctor.

This is what you ask most often

How can I contact my doctor in the app?

The Doctor.One app works like instant messaging apps you know (e.g. Whatsapp or Messenger). Once you join your doctor's contacts, you can write to him in the chat whenever you need. At the top of the chat you see when to expect a response.

Is this an app only for GP patients?

No, the Doctor.One app is designed for all patients, regardless of the specialty of the attending physician with whom you want to be in contact.

How are my medical data and conversations with my doctor stored?

Doctor.One Polska is a medical entity registered in the national register. Therefore, we are obliged to store medical data and medical records in the manner prescribed by law and in accordance with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).

Your conversations with your doctor are only visible to you and your doctor.

there is no time to lose

Taking care of your health starts here

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